The Essence

Living and growing a family in the North awards you with a real and tangible connection to the land. As a mother of 5 and as a home baker and wannabe chef, it is this connection that seeps into everything - motherhood, food, harvesting, and experiencing the very heartbeat of the bit of earth that sustains us.

Saturday, February 20, 2010


Today we packed up the truck and went out to the lake for some icefishing. It was warm and sunny, and we all returned home with suntanned faces. We skidooed down the lake to find a good spot, and T.J got busy drilling holes. He likes to drill lots of holes, because he says then there is a greater chance of actually catching a fish.

Lydia helped to set up her and June's camp chairs. Except she likes to sit in one and use the other one to store all her food in.
June was O.K with that, she spent her time laying on her tummy on the ice, licking snow.

Of course, no icefishing trip would be complete without hotdogs! Someone left an old washer drum out there for a firepit, so we started our fire in there.

Dustin had fun, and we all had a good laugh, while he tried out the snowshoes!

The kids had a blast on the freedom of the lake on the skidoos. They could go around and around all day!

I was trying out the "action shot" settings on my camera, and got this shot of T.J's dumb dog, Scout, trying to pounce on me.

We had a great day hanging out as a family, until June fell into one of the holes and got soaking wet! T.J and I piled on a skidoo and quickly whizzed back to the truck to get her wet snowsuit and boots off. Good thing we weren't too far away!