Went for a hike and found sheep on the hills!
Our little Griffon, Kelsey.
I adapted Ree Drummonds recipe for Hot Cross Buns. She's the Pioneer Woman, so they must be good right?!
Put 4 cups of milk, 1 cup of canola oil and 1 cup of sugar in a pot. Put it on medium heat until it scalds, but don't let it boil!
When the dough has doubled in bulk, add another cup of flour, 1 heaping tsp of baking powder, 1 scant tsp of baking soda and 1 tbs of salt. Stick your dough hook on and mix that up for about 5 minutes. It will be sticky, but nothing that a little flour on your hands and counter top won't solve.
I forgot to take pictures of the next step. Sorry.
Mix up 1/2 cup of sugar, 1 tsp cinnamon, 1/4 tsp nutmeg, and 1/4 tsp allspice. Also get out some raisins, or whatever other dried fruit you want to put in.
Turn the dough onto the counter and halve it.
Roll out one half into a small rectangle,
Sprinkle generously with the sugar mix and raisins and fruit, then fold the dough over, roll out again and repeat. Then repeat all of this with the other half of dough. Got a picture of it all done!
I really slacked off on the picture taking this time around. Portion the dough into buns and place them on greased sheets. Let them rise for an hour or until puffy and doubled in bulk, then brush them with a glaze made with an egg white and a few tablespoons of milk. DONT get lazy and only portion half your dough into buns, thinking that a Hot Cross Loaf would be nice.......
Put them in a 375C oven and bake for about 25 minutes, until they are nice and brown.Mix an egg white, 1/2 cup of milk and a bunch of icing sugar until you get a not too runny glaze. Put it into a bag, snip the end off and pipe some crosses onto your buns. Yum!
ahahhaha! Nice loaf!